Latest news:
Early bird registration fee deadline has been extended to August 3rd 2018.
Students and postdocs who are short in funding and are interested in participating in the conference are encouraged to contact the organizers.
The preliminary program of the event has been published.
Short summary:
The Iberoamerican Meeting on Geometry, Mechanics and Control is a biannual international conference whose mission is to bring together top researchers working in these topics.
It is alternatively hosted by Spain and countries in Latin America. Previous editions of the meeting have taken place in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2008, Bariloche, Argentina 2011, Salamanca, Spain, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2014, and Tenerife, Spain 2017.
The 6th edition of the conference will take place in the city of Guanajuato, Mexico, on August 2018 and will be an homage to the scientific career of James Montaldi.
Aims and Scopes:
The mission of the Iberoamerican Meeting on Geometry, Mechanics and Control is to bring together leading researchers from different countries and scientific disciplines who share a common interest in Geometric Mechanics and its applications.
Traditionally, this branch of mathematics concerns the application of particular geometric methods to many areas of mechanics, from mechanics of particles and rigid bodies to fluid mechanics and control theory. As a modern subject, Geometric Mechanics has its roots in the works of Arnold, Smale and Souriau written in the 1960’s and has led to important contributions in classical problems of mechanics and control. In recent years, however, Geometric Mechanics has found applications beyond these classical areas, with relevance in fields such as image processing, liquid crystals, magnetohydrodynamics, molecular dynamics, fluid-structure interactions, design of numerical integrators, and others.
The 6th edition of Iberoamerican Meeting on Geometry, Mechanics and Control will have an emphasis on the role of symmetry in the dynamics of Hamiltonian systems. This is a fundamental topic in Geometric Mechanics which has been one of the central research activities of James Montaldi in his career.
Principal Topics
Poisson, symplectic, Jacobi
Lie groups and symmetries in classical and quantum mechanics
Geometry of gauge theories, Berry phases
Geometric quantization
Holonomic and Non-holonomic mechanics
Vakonomic systems, subRiemannian geometry
Calculus of variations; conservation laws. Noether theorems Classical field theories and multisymplectic geometry
Celestial mechanics and vortices
Numeric-geometrical integration of mechanical systems
Lie algebroids and grupoids; Lie groupoids and discrete mechanics
Integrable and super-integrable systems
Symmetries and reduction of order
Relative equilibria and relative periodic orbits in symmetric Hamiltonian systems. Stability and bifurcations
Control Theory
Optimal control theory
Control of mechanical systems Distributed control
Geometric control
Port Hamiltonians and Dirac structures
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